Ucapan Hari Valentine 2020

21 Ide Ucapan Hari Valentine yang Cocok Buat Update Sosmed

21 Ide Ucapan Hari Valentine yang Cocok Buat Update Sosmed

21 Ide Ucapan Hari Valentine yang Cocok Buat Update Sosmed

Tidak terasa beberapa minggu lagi kita akan menyambut Valentine’s Day atau yang biasa juga di kenal dengan hari Kasih Sayang yang jatuh pada tanggal 14 Februari.

Biasanya di hari spesial ini orang banyak yang mempersiapkan berbagai hadiah atau kado Valentine kepada pasangan atau juga orang yang mereka sayangi, seperti saudara, orang tua, sahabat dan lain sebagainya.

Kado yang umum diberikan sebagai hadiah hari valentine contohnya adalah Buket bunga mawar, sekotak coklat premium, atau boneka teddy bear yang lucu dan menggemaskan. Ketiga hadiah ini bisa anda dapatkan dengan mudah di www.eloraflorist.com.

Tapi apalah artinya jika hadiah tersebut tanpa dibubuhi kata – kata manis yang khusus anda siapkan untuk mereka. Apalagi jika anda menjalani hubungan LDR atau Long Distance Relationship.

Nah berikut 21 Ide Ucapan Hari Valentine yang Cocok Buat Update Sosmed kamu seperti status Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram dan Twitter, yang dirangkum oleh Elora Florist dari berbagai sumber untuk pasangan, teman, orang tua dan orang yang ada sayangi.

1.      Happy Valentines Day sayang…, meski aku tidak selalu ada disampingmu..,tapi aku sangat menyayangi kamu

2.      Dear My Love, For one special weird lady. Happy Valentine’s Day. PS: Eat more

3.      My Dear.! Thank you for letting me love you and for loving me in return. I am so lucky that you are mine. Happy Valentines Day!

4.      I hope someday you`ll forgive me. Happy valentine`s day

5.      Happy Valentines Day my Dear. We love you so much dearly and we want you to know that we will always be with you.

6.      I LOVE YOU more than Playstation 4.. Happy Valentine`s Day Honey.. Smooch

7.      Aku masih milikmu, dan kau masih milikku, selamanya akan begitu

8.      Happy Valentine Day, i make ur dream come true. from ur best friend.

9.      Semoga cinta kita kelak menjadi kisah indah yang akan kita ceritakan kepada anak cucu tercinta… Love you

10.  Happy Valentines Day sayang. Thank you for everything that you`ve done for me. Miss you always. Love you.

Val HBL-001

Original price was: Rp325,000.Current price is: Rp289,000.

Val HBP-001

Original price was: Rp1,250,000.Current price is: Rp895,000.


Original price was: Rp650,000.Current price is: Rp529,000.

Val HBL-004

Original price was: Rp380,000.Current price is: Rp325,000.

11.  There is no love as big as His love for us, who sacrificed himself to save our lives… Happy Valentine dear…l love u

12.  Dear My Love and Mom of my childrens You are our heart, our sun and moon, you are the most beloved one in the world. We love you all…

13.  To keep on loving you is the greatest thing that i`ve ever done. Being yours is the greatest thing that i`ve ever felt. I wish you`d feel the same. Days without you would be the hardest days of my life. and as the sun rises, my heart will always keep on searching for you , loving you is my greatest thing to do and i`ll keep on doing what i love to do, to love you.

14.  “Happy Valentine my precious son and daughter” Thank you so much for everything.. love, pray, cheer, food, care, support, laugh or tears.. it`s just perfect! Love always, Dad

15.  Dear Mom, Happy valentine day, thanks for all we`ve been through together. Please forgive my mistake all this time.. I`ll always love you.. Dad

16.  Anyone can catch my eye but it took someone very special to catch my heart. Happy Valentine`s Day.

17.  As busy as we get, we need to be reminded that we are still sweethearts. Valentine`s Day is a good day for me to stop and realize how wonderful you make me fell. Happy Valentine`s Day!

18.  Selamat hari valentine ya sayang, semoga cinta kamu dan aku selalu terukir manis sekarang dan selamanya, happy late valentine yah.

19.  Happy Valentine untuk yg TERSAYANG & TERCINTA yg JAUH….LOVE u VERY MUCH EVERY DAY with the FULLEST of my HEART sayang

20.  Happy Valentines Day ! Hope you like the flowers ! Sorry I can`t be the one who give this out to you. Anyway, Would you like to have a dinner with me sometimes? With Love, X.


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